Using Google Hangouts Video Conference for Business
There is no denying it – Google Hangouts is a powerful tool packed with features, especially given that it is a FREE tool. For a full review of Google Hangouts check out our Video Conferencing Tools for Small Businesses. In this post, we are going to focus on using Google Hangouts Video Conference for Business, especially growing your customer and client base.
There are several ways you can use Google Hangouts to benefit your business. First, it can be a great tool to connect teams at various sites to collaborate on projects or discuss business needs and issues. If you have teams scattered across the country, one way to bring them together for effective collaboration is using Google Hangouts. They can see each other, share screens, share files, demonstrate products to each other and trouble shoot problems together all while being able to see each other via video conference.
Second, you can use it to provide customer service to your clients, especially when it requires demonstrating specific programs, tools or equipment to them or helping them trouble shoot issues with your product or service. There is nothing more frustrating than miscommunication between a vendor and client about a product that needs to be fixed. A simple way to address this is organize a Google Hangouts with all the key players on the call – so that together with the customer, you can find a solution to their problem.
Third, you can use it to be a content marketing tool. This allows you to create and share relevant content in your industry. You can share relevant content with your users and customers, on topics they will find useful. You just set up a Google Hangouts meeting and invite your followers and customers to attend. That helps you establish yourself as a subject matter expert, which introduces your business to a broader range of customers who would otherwise not have found you. You can also hold limited seat webinars on relevant topics in your niche or industry, helping you cement your reputation as an expert in the space.
Fourth, you can use it to hold press conferences on exciting things that are happening in your business, and invite people in the press, especially local press and bloggers that will be more willing to write about exciting local businesses. With a Google Hangouts press conference, you will be able to have a more engaging press conference and clarify any issues or concerns the press may have before they review or write about your exciting news.
Finally, you can use Google Hangouts to offer consulting services to your clients. This allows you to provide one on one engagement and tailor solutions to their needs. You can invite team members at other sites to join you, providing your clients a solid base of talent and value, in a format that allows them to ask questions, get feedback, and share ideas while being able to see each other without having to make a trip.
For a quick tutorial on how to use Google Hangouts for business, see the video below.