March 10, 2025

How to Sell on Etsy UK and Set Up an Etsy UK Shop to Earn from Home?


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What is Etsy UK & how does it work?

Etsy is an e-commerce platform and online marketplace where you get a chance to share your handcrafted, handmade, custom-made, or vintage goods that are unique for buyers.

The first Etsy shop in the United Kingdom was opened in 2019 in Didcot.

what-is-Etsy-ukYou will find millions of sellers and buyers interested in products with a human touch on Etsy.

This platform has helped so many start-ups and entrepreneurs to start and manage their businesses with wider exposure.

The Etsy UK shop has many categories for sellers to sell and buyers to buy such as:

  • Jewellery
  • Accessories
  • Arts
  • Craft tools
  • Vintage
  • Collectibles
  • Wedding items
  • Clothing
  • Furniture

To sell vintage items on Etsy their age must be more than 20 years to be kept in that category.

It really takes a small amount to start your shop on Etsy UK. You only must invest $0.20 per listing.

Etsy offers many facilities such as advertising your business and many more. But for that, you need to open your business with something unique or something with your personalized touch which will be loved by the buyers.

After all, Etsy has become one of the most competitive online marketplaces besides Amazon and eBay.

Here is how you can set up your shop on Etsy UK step by step to make money online

Open-an-Etsy-uk-ShopEtsy has a large seller market of 4.1 million with 81.9 million active buyers.

If you are willing to start your Etsy business then read on to accumulate a huge number of buyers for your business via this popular platform.

How to Set Up an Etsy UK Shop?

1. Register and get an Etsy UK login as a seller

How-to-make-money-on-EtsyVisit the Home page and Link to register:

2. Set up your Etsy UK Shop

Set-Up-an-Etsy-UK-ShopSet your shop accordingly, and customize it in a way that will help your buyer to make purchases easily such as the language to understand the product and your currency to calculate and trade.

3. Choose an Etsy UK Shop Name

Tips-to-Make-Money-on-Etsy-UKHere is your chance to show your creativity. Give your shop a name by which people get the hint about your brand or business idea immediately. It should show your personal branding. Keep in mind that the name you select must not have any special character or space and it should be between 4 to 20 characters, but you know that shorter brand names are the catchiest.

4. Start to add your Products on Etsy UK

Use these steps to showcase your products

  • Add the product photo

How-to-start-an-Etsy-UK-shopAdd a picture of your product in high resolution and quality which will show your product clearly with a nice background. You must have at least 5 images for each listing.

  • Listing Information

Ways-to-Sell-on-Etsy-UKMake sure your product description and title contain all the important details. Use the keywords carefully which are used in the searches by the user with their intent so that your product can appear in the correct keyword search.

You can use up to “13 tags” for your products, so ensure that keywords match the tags you use.

  • Product details:

Mention each and every detail of your products such as:

  • The number of your product in stock
  • All color and size variations you offer for your products.
  • A similar item for the viewed product (if available)

5. Billing Methods on Etsy UK

Open-an-Etsy-UK-Shop-easilyEtsy uses many different billing options. Payments such as Etsy payment, PayPal, debit card, and credit card. There is even an Etsy gift card available. This makes receiving your payments from your Etsy customers very hassle-free.

6. Develop your Etsy UK Shop

Add information such as user profile, shop policies, and store bio which will help you with achieving a better reach. With the completion of this step, you are done with all the essentials for your shop set up on Etsy.

7. Click the “Open your shop” tab to go live

By following each of the above steps your shop will go live on Esty.

How to Sell on Esty UK?

1. Costs to start on Etsy?

Etsy is free to set up a store. It takes nothing to open a shop but the cost starts with the products you have for your buyers. As per listing items, it takes $0.20 to list each item in your shop. The listing per item lasts for 4 months or until the item is sold out.

Etsy is a kind of different eCommerce platform compared to other online platforms. It gives you many benefits such as having multiple products in one listing.

To make it more clear here is an example:

If you sell a handcrafted tray by giving options to your buyer with multiple color choices, Esty will consider your entire product as one listing despite you having multiple variants for that.

2. Renewal of Listing

Many people get themselves confused about how a renewal of their listing works.

Here is an example for you to understand it better:

If a seller has 5 handmade vases to sell with different color variants or 5 handmade vases, this seller will make one listing of $0.20 for four months.

But if any of the listed vases were sold out then the seller needs to renew the listing or it will go into “auto-renewal mode” itself if it is selected for the fresh 4 months or you can select “Manual Mode” to renew it on your own.

If a buyer is interested to buy 2 vases at a time in one order, then the seller will charge an extra $0.20 along with $0.20 per purchase.

3. Transaction Fee: will charge you 6.5% on each sale you do like every other e-commerce platform such as Amazon and eBay. To keep going with your business, the seller needs to pay the transactional fee on every transaction to Etsy.

There will be taxes and GST payable as per every country’s regulations.

Transaction fees will be debited from your current Etsy balance, and they will be reflected in your payment account.

4. Advertising and Promotion:

create-an-Etsy-uk-shopThere are many other services such as advertising and promotion which Etsy provides additionally. Through this, you can advertise your listing and even your shop can be promoted.

Check out the advertising page for more information:

Here are the two advertisement options every Etsy shop owner can choose from:

  1. Etsy Ads
  2. Offsite Ads

Etsy Ads

Etsy Ads is based on a bidding system. Sellers on activate advertising from the advertising dashboard on the shop manager. Etsy ads are based on a few ranking factors such as listing quality, display listing, bidding, and search relevancy. Ads will be displayed on the website and mobile app.

It will cost you a minimum of $1 per day to run your advertising. You can set a limit to your budget for advertising. When reaching that limit Etsy advertising can’t deduct more money from your account and will halt the campaign.

Offsite Ads:

Offsite Ads are displayed on social media networks and search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google display networks. Find out more here:

5. Etsy payment processing fees

When the buyer purchases the item on, Etsy charges a payment processing fee from the payment system of 3% and 25% per transaction.

6. Etsy shipping cost

The shipping cost doesn’t come under seller transactions. It is paid by the buyer as per their city or country depending on their location.

Wrapping up

Now you’ve got a clearer picture of how to sell on Etsy UK to earn from home. Give it a go and be patient. Keep on working on your Etsy shop to make it better and learn the tricks of the online trade. If you’re already an entrepreneur, having a shop on Etsy UK may be a brilliant addition to your business operations. Do remember: 97% of businesses running on Etsy are from home. Are you ready to be a digital entrepreneur with Etsy?